Port O’Connor Water Wellfield
Contracts approvals from TWDB is anticipated the week of March 6 with Construction beginning in March.
Well Transmission Lines and RO Outfall
We have begun the advertising process for this project and plan to have bids for considerartion in April.
Raw Water Ground Storage Tank
We have begun the advertising process for this project and plan to have bids for consideration in April.
Reverse Osmosis Treatment Facility
We are addressing TCEQ comments and have plans summitted to TWDB in March.
Air Vacuum Station No. 1B
Project is in construction. We are waiting on shop drawings from the manufacturer as well as a change order to improve operations.
Air Vacuum Station No 2B
This project is in designand expected to be ready for bidding in July 2023.
Bond Issue No 3-2023
Bond Application report is being reviewed by consultants prior to submittal.
LaSalle Water Plant Tank Rehabilitation
Authoring to advertise for bid.